Korean Word: 들어오다
Romanization: deul uh o da
English Meaning: to come in, to enter

Word Forms: 들어오 (deul uh o), 들어온 (deul uh on), 들어와 (deul uh wa), 들어왔 (deul uh wat)

Example Sentences:

들어오세요. 문이 열려있습니다.
deul uh o se yo. moon i yul lyuh it seup ni da.
Come on in, the door is open!
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deul uh o se yo.
Please come in.
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밀물이 들어오고 있습니다.
mil mool i deul uh o go it seup ni da.
The tide is coming in.
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밖에 있는 표지판에: "직원 구함 - 들어와서 지원하시오"라고 써 있습니다.
ba ke it neun pyo ji pan e : " jik wun goo ham - deul uh wa suh ji wun ha si o"ra go suh it seup ni da.
The sign outside read: "Staff wanted - apply within".
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