Korean Word: 화재
Romanization: hwa je
English Meaning: fire, blaze

Example Sentences:

화재 발생으로 호텔 투숙객들과 직원들은 호텔에서 대피해야 했습니다.
hwa je bal seng eu ro ho tel too sook gek deul gwa jik wun deul eun ho tel e suh de pi he ya het seup ni da.
Guests and staff were forced to leave the hotel when a fire broke out.
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호주에서 발생한 화재의 피해가 컸습니다.
ho joo e suh bal seng han hwa je eui pi he ga kut seup ni da.
The fires in Australia caused lots of damage.
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소방관들은 화재를 진압할 수 없었습니다.
so bang gwan deul eun hwa je reul jin ap hal soo up ut seup ni da.
The firefighters were unable to put out the fires.
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Related Words:


1. flower 2. anger, rage 3. fire 4. (particle after noun to add meaning of 'becoming', '-zation') 5. story 6. drawing, painting 7. shoes (hanja)

Here: fire

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