Korean Word: 구입
Romanization: goo ip
English Meaning: purchase (noun)

Example Sentences:

와이드 스크린 TV를 구입한 후 그녀의 생은 다시 의미를 갖게 되었습니다.
wa i deu seu keu rin TV reul goo ip han hoo geu nyuh eui seng eun da shi ui mi reul gat ge dwe ut seup ni da.
Since she bought a wide-screen TV, her life has become meaningful again.
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그녀는 터키에서 이 카펫을 구입했습니다.
geu nyuh neun tuh ki e suh i ka pet eul goo ip het seup ni da.
She bought this carpet in Turkey.
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제 주택구입 예산은 130,000 달러입니다.
je joo tek goo ip ye san eun 130,000 dal luh ip ni da.
My budget to buy a house is 130,000 USD.
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버스 표는 버스 안에서 구입할 수 있어요.
buh seu pyo neun buh seu an e suh goo ip hal soo it uh yo.
Bus tickets are purchased on the bus.
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약물 중독자들 다수는 약물 구입을 위해 범죄를 저지릅니다.
yak mool joong dok ja deul da soo neun yak mool goo ip eul wi he bum jwe reul juh ji reup ni da.
Many drug addicts turn to crime to fund their habits.
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