Korean Word: 미국
Romanization: mi gook
English Meaning: The United States of America

Example Sentences:

그 사람은 미국 출신이지만, 그의 증조부모는 한국 출신입니다.
geu sa ram eun mi gook chool shin i ji man, geu eui joong jo boo mo neun han gook chool shin ip ni da.
He is from the USA, but his great-grandparents are from Korea.
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대부분의 미국인들은 새 대통령이 아주 좋다고 생각합니다.
de boo boon eui mi gook in deul eun se de tong ryung i a joo jo ta go seng gak hap ni da.
The majority of US-Americans believe that the new president is very good.
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최근 들어 미국 달러의 가치가 떨어지고 있습니다.
chwe geun deul uh mi gook dal luh eui ga chi ga tul uh ji go it seup ni da.
Recently the value of the US Dollar has been falling.
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그는 미국사람이지만 그의 증조부와 증조모는 독일사람입니다.
geu neun mi gook sa ram i ji man geu eui joong jo boo wa joong jo mo neun dok il sa ram ip ni da.
He is from the USA, but his great-grandparents are from Germany.
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많은 미국인들이 빚을 지고 있습니다.
man eun mi gook in deul i bit eul ji go it seup ni da.
A lot of people in the United States are in debt.
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미국의 인구는 3억이 넘습니다.
mi gook eui in goo neun sam uk i num seup ni da.
The USA has a population of over 300 million people.
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저는 미국에 가 본 적이 없습니다.
juh neun mi gook e ga bon juk i up seup ni da.
I have never been to America.
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