Korean Word: 결혼
Romanization: gyul hon
English Meaning: marriage

Example Sentences:

결혼 축하 드립니다.
gyul hon chook ha deu rip ni da.
Congratulations for your wedding day.
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인도에서는 중매 결혼이 흔합니다.
in do e suh neun joong me gyul hon i heun hap ni da.
Arranged marriages are common in India.
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저희는 9월에 결혼합니다.
juh hi neun gu wul e gyul hon hap ni da.
We are getting married in September.
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그들은 행복한 결혼생활을 하고 있어요.
geu deul eun heng bok han gyul hon seng hwal eul ha go it suh yo.
They are happily married.
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그녀는 결혼 생활이 행복한 척 해요.
geu nyuh neun gyul hon seng hwal i heng bok han chuk he yo.
She pretends to be happily married.
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결혼이 항상 행복을 가져다주는 것은 아니다.
gyul hon i hang sang heng bok eul ga jyuh da joo neun gut eun a ni da.
Marriage does not always bring happiness.
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"내 결혼은 끝났어", 그녀는 눈물을 머금으며 말했습니다.
"ne gyul hon eun keut nat uh", geu nyuh neun noon mool eul muh geum eu myuh mal het seup ni da.
"My marriage is over," she said with tears in her eyes.
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