Korean Word: 열다
Romanization: yul da
English Meaning: to open

Word Forms: 연 (yun), 열 (yul), 열어 (yul uh), 열었 (yul ut), 엽 (yup)

Example Sentences:

가게들은 언제까지 엽니까?
ga ge deul eun un je ka ji yup ni ka?
How long are the shops open?
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우체국이 아직 열었나요?
woo che gook i a jik yul ut na yo?
Is the post office still open?
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창문 열지 마세요.
chang moon yul ji ma se yo.
Don't open the window.
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친구들이 제 생일 파티를 열어줬어요.
chin goo deul i je seng il pa ti reul yul uh jwut uh yo.
My friends threw a birthday party for me.
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문 좀 열어주세요.
moon jom yul uh joo se yo.
Please open the door.
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맥도날드는 매일 새로운 지점 3개를 엽니다.
mek do nal deu neun me il se ro woon ji jum se ge reul yup ni da.
McDonald's opens three new restaurants each day.
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