Korean Word: 시간
Romanization: shi gan
English Meaning: 1. time 2. hour

Example Sentences:

시간이 바로 돈입니다.
shi gan i ba ro don ip ni da.
Time is money.
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시간이 별로 없어요.
shi gan i byul lo up suh yo.
We don't have much time.
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시간이 얼마나 걸립니까?
shi gan i ul ma na gul lip ni ka?
How long does it take?
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죄송하지만 제가 도와드릴 시간이 없습니다.
jwe song ha ji man je ga do wa deu ril shi gan i up seup ni da.
Unfortunately I don't have time to help you.
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오늘 저녁에 시간 있어요?
o neul juh nyuk e shi gan it suh yo?
Do you have time this evening?
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즐거운 저녁 시간 되십시오.
jeul guh woon juh nyuk shi gan dwe ship shi o.
Have a pleasant evening.
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시간이 없으니 지금 가야 합니다.
shi gan i up seu ni ji geum ga ya hap ni da.
We have to leave now, time is short!
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