Korean Word: 자신
Romanization: ja shin
English Meaning: 1. oneself 2. confidence

Example Sentences:

누구나 자신의 의견을 가질 권리가 있습니다.
noo goo na ja shin eui ui gyun eul ga jil gyun ri ga it seup ni da.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
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그 사람은 자신의 건강을 잘 챙기지 않습니다.
geu sa ram eun ja shin eui gun gang eul jal cheng gi ji an seup ni da.
He doesn't care about his health.
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그들은 자신들의 범죄로 사형 선고를 받았습니다.
geu deul eun ja shin deul eui bum jwe ro sa hyung sun go reul bat at seup ni da.
They were sentenced to death for their crimes.
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그는 법정에서 자신의 결백을 입증하지 못했습니다.
geu neun bup jung e suh ja shin eui gyul bek eul ip jeung ha ji mot het seup ni da.
He couldn't prove his innocence to the court.
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그는 자신이 저지른 범죄에 후회하는 기색을 전혀 보이지 않았다.
geu neun ja shin i juh ji reun bum jwe e hoo hwe ha neun gi sek eul jun hyuh bo i ji an at da.
He never showed remorse for his crimes.
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그녀는 절대로 자신의 화를 표현하지 않습니다.
geu nyuh neun jul de ro ja shin eui hwa reul pyo hyun ha ji an seup ni da.
She never really expresses her anger.
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한 연구 결과에 따르면 여성들은 자신들의 지적 능력을 과소평가하는 반면, 남성들은 과대평가하는 것으로 나타났습니다.
han yun goo gyul gwa e ta reu myun yuh sung deul eun ja shin deul eui ji juk neung ryuk eul gwa so pyung ga ha neun ban myun, nam sung deul eun gwa de pyung ga ha neun gut eu ro na ta nat seup ni da.
A study found that women underestimate their intelligence, while men overestimate theirs.
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