Korean Word:
Romanization: jip
English Meaning: house, home

Example Sentences:

집에 가고 싶습니다.
jip e ga go ship seup ni da.
I want to go home.
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우리는 자정이 넘어서 집에 돌아왔습니다.
woo ri neun ja jung i num uh suh jip e do ra wat seup ni da.
We didn't return home until midnight.
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그 집은 부엌이 큽니다.
geu jip eun boo uk i keup ni da.
The house had a big kitchen.
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다섯 집 건너에 제과점이 있습니다.
da sut jip gun nuh e je gwa jum i it seup ni da.
Five houses down, there is a bakery.
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집에 될 수 있는 대로 빨리 갈게요.
jip e dwel soo it neun de ro pal li gal ge yo.
I'll come home as soon as I can.
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우리집 소가 어젯밤에 송아지를 낳았습니다.
woo ri jip so ga uh jet bam e song a ji reul na at seup ni da.
Our cow had a calf last night.
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그가 3개월 동안 집을 비운 사이 그의 집에 도둑이 들었습니다.
geu ga sam ge wul dong an jip eul bi woon sa i geu eui jip e do dook i deul ut seup ni da.
The criminals had broken into his house while he was away for three months.
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