Korean Word: 떨어지다
Romanization: tul uh ji da
English Meaning: 1. to fall, to drip 2. to separate 3. distant, far away 4. to run out of

Word Forms: 떨어져 (tul uh jyuh), 떨어졌 (tul uh jyuht), 떨어지 (tul uh ji), 떨어진 (tul uh jin), 떨어질 (tul uh jil)

Example Sentences:

최근 들어 미국 달러의 가치가 떨어지고 있습니다.
chwe geun deul uh mi gook dal luh eui ga chi ga tul uh ji go it seup ni da.
Recently the value of the US Dollar has been falling.
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어쩌나, 그가 또 시험에 떨어졌네!
uh juh na, geu ga to shi hum e tul uh jyuht ne!
Oh dear, he's failed the test yet again!
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몇 마일 떨어진 곳에서도 폭발이 느껴졌습니다.
myut ma il tul uh jin got e suh do pok bal i neu kyuh jyut seup ni da.
The explosion was felt for miles.
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약이 다 떨어졌어요.
yak i da tul uh jyuht uh yo.
We've run out of medicine.
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휴가객 한 명이 호텔 발코니에서 떨어져서 죽었습니다.
hyoo ga gek han myung i ho tel bal ko ni e suh tul uh jyuh suh jook ut seup ni da.
A holidaymaker died after falling from a hotel balcony.
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그는 나무에서 떨어져 팔이 부러졌어요.
geu neun na moo e suh tul uh jyuh pal i boo ruh jyut uh yo.
He fell from a tree and broke his arm.
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그는 사다리에서 떨어졌어요.
geu neun sa da ri e suh tul uh jyuht uh yo.
He fell from the ladder.
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