Korean Word: 부르다
Romanization: boo reu da
English Meaning: 1. to call, to name 2. to sing

Word Forms: 부르 (boo reu), 부른 (boo reun), 부를 (boo reul), 불러 (bool luh), 불러요 (bool luh yo), 불렀 (bool lut)

Example Sentences:

구급차를 부를까요?
goo geup cha reul boo reul ka yo?
Should I call an ambulance?
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빨리, 의사 좀 불러 주세요!
pal li, eui sa jom bool luh joo se yo!
Quick! Call a doctor!
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그는 노래 부르는 것을 좋아합니다.
geu neun no re boo reu neun gut eul jo a hap ni da.
He loves singing.
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택시를 불러주실 수 있으세요?
tek shi reul bool luh joo shil soo it eu se yo
Can you call me a cab/taxi?
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경찰 좀 불러주세요.
gyung chal jom bool luh joo se yo.
Please call the police.
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저희 집 열쇠를 잃어버렸을 때 저는 집에 들어가기 위해 열쇠 수리공을 불러야 했습니다.
juh hi jip yul swe reul i ruh buh ryut eul te juh neun jip e deul uh ga gi wi he yul swe soo ri gong eul bool luh ya het seup ni da.
When I lost the key to my house I had to call a locksmith to let me in.
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나가지 않으면 경찰을 부를 거예요!
na ga ji an woo myun gyung chal eul boo reul guh ye yo!
If you don't leave I'll call the police!
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