Korean Word: 동안
Romanization: dong an
English Meaning: 1. for (duration) 2. youthful, younger-looking face 3. while

Example Sentences:

제가 휴가 간 동안 제 꽃에 물 좀 주실 수 있으세요?
je ga hyoo ga gan dong an je kot e mool jom joo shil soo it eu se yo
Can you water my flowers while I'm on holidays?
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그가 3개월 동안 집을 비운 사이 그의 집에 도둑이 들었습니다.
geu ga sam ge wul dong an jip eul bi woon sa i geu eui jip e do dook i deul ut seup ni da.
The criminals had broken into his house while he was away for three months.
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그는 발표하는 동안 매우 긴장하였습니다.
geu neun bal pyo ha neun dong an me woo gin jang ha yut seup ni da.
He was very nervous during the presentation.
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그녀는 수술하는 동안에 많은 피를 흘렸습니다.
geu nyuh neun soo sool ha neun dong an e man eun pi reul heul lyut seup ni da.
She lost a lot of blood during the operation.
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제 수입은 지난 5년동안 두배로 늘었습니다.
je soo ip eun ji nan oh nyun dong an doo be ro neul ut seup ni da.
My income has doubled in the last 5 years.
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이전 직장에서는 얼마동안 일하셨습니까?
i jun jik jang e suh neun ul ma dong an il ha shut seup ni ka?
How long did you work at your previous company?
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그는 영국에서 2년 동안 불법으로 일을 해오고 있습니다.
geu neun yung gook e suh i nyun dong an bool bup eu ro il eul he o go it seup ni da.
He has been working illegally in the UK for 2 years.
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