Korean Word: 여기다
Romanization: yuh gi da
English Meaning: to regard, to think, to consider

Word Forms: 여겨 (yuh gyuh), 여겼 (yuh gyut), 여기 (yuh gi), 여길 (yuh gil), 여깁 (yuh gip)

Example Sentences:

고대의 이집트인들은 쇠똥구리를 신성한 존재로 여겼습니다.
go de eui i jip teu in deul eun swe dong goo ri reul sin sung han jon je ro yuh gyut seup ni da.
The ancient Egyptians regarded dung beetles as sacred.
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그녀는 신을 믿는 자는 미신을 신봉하는 것이라고 여깁니다.
geu nyuh neun shin eul mit neun ja neun mi shin eul sin bong ha neun gut i ra go yuh gip ni da.
She thinks that anybody who believes in God is superstitious.
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인도에서는 왜 소를 성스럽게 여겨요?
in do e suh neun we so reul sung seu rup ge yuh gyuh yo?
Why are cows considered holy in India?
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어떤 사람들은 불교를 종교가 아니라 철학이라고 여깁니다.
uh tun sa ram deul eun bool gyo reul jong gyo ga a ni ra chul hak i ra go yuh gip ni da.
Some people regard Buddhism as a philosophy not a religion.
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