Korean Word: 생일
Romanization: seng il
English Meaning: birthday

Example Sentences:

그 사람의 생일은 7월입니다.
geu sa ram eui seng il eun chil wul ip ni da.
His birthday is in July.
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당신의 생일파티에 꼭 가겠습니다.
dang shin eui seng il pa ti e kok ga get seup ni da.
I will definitely be at your birthday party.
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오늘은 저의 생일입니다.
o neul eun juh eui seng il ip ni da.
Today is my birthday.
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제 생일은 4월입니다.
je seng il eun sa wul ip ni da.
My birthday is in April.
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내일 제 생일 파티를 하는데 오실래요?
ne il je seng il pa ti reul ha neun de o shil le yo?
Tomorrow is my birthday party, do you want to come?
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생일이 언제예요?
seng il i un je ye yo?
When is your birthday?
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생일이 언제입니까?
seng il i un je ip ni ka?
When were you born?
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Related Words:


1. living 2. student 3. raw, uncooked, unprocessed

Here: living

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1. one, 1 (hanja) 2. work 3. matter, affair 4. Japanese 5. day, date 6. (particle in verb to add meaning of passivity) 7. sun

Here: day, date

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