The scam
Rick: 안녕, Bill, 어떻게 지내?Rick: Hi Bill, how is it going?
Bill: 음, 잘 못 지내.Bill: Oh, not so good.
Rick: 왜, 무슨 일 있어?Rick: What happened?
Bill: 응, 며칠 전에 휴가에서 돌아왔는데 이제 보니까 내가 사기를 당했더라고.Bill: Oh, I've come back from holiday a few days ago and now I've realized that I've been scammed.
Rick: 웬일이야. 어떻게 된 거야?Rick: Oh sorry to hear that. How did that happen?
Bill: 음, 작은 호텔에서 내 운전면허증을 복사해 갔어. 그 다음에는 내 주민등록번호를 물어보는 거야. 너무 피곤해서 바보같이 그걸 준 거야.Bill: Well, in a small hotel they made a photocopy of my driver's license. Afterwards they asked me for my social security number. I was tired and stupid enough to give it to them.
Rick: 어떡해, 신분 도용된거야?Rick: Oh no, an identity theft?
Bill: 응..이번 일로 배웠지, 뭐. 이번에 사용하지 않는 신용카드도 다 취소했어.Bill: Yes..I've learned from that. And I've cancelled all my unused credit cards as well.
Rick: 좋은 생각이다!Rick: That's probably a good idea!
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