The new job
Anna: 거의 일주일동안 Sarah한테서 소식을 못 들었어. 걔 잘 지내?Anna: It's almost a week and I haven't heard from Sarah. Is she OK?
Chris: 응, 걱정하지마! Sarah 요즘 진짜 바빠.Chris: Yes, don't worry! She's just really busy lately.
Anna: 새로운 일 찾았어?Anna: Did she find a new job?
Chris: 응, 초등학교에서 애들 가르치기 시작했어.Chris: Yes, she started teaching in an elementary school.
Anna: 정말 잘됐다! 그거 Sarah가 항상 꿈꿔왔던 일 아니야?Anna: That's nice! Isn't it the job she always dreamt of?
Chris: 응, 그런데 일이 그렇게 힘들 줄 몰랐대.Chris: Yes, but she didn't expect it was so demanding.
Anna: 그래도 Sarah한테 너무 잘 됐다. 그리고 Sarah는 일에 금방 적응할거야!Anna: I'm really happy for her and I'm sure she'll get used to it!
Chris: 나도 그렇게 생각해. Sarah가 워낙 부지런하잖아.Chris: I definitely agree with you; she's a hard-working person.
Anna: 아무튼 걔한테 성공을 빈다고 전해줘!Anna: Give her my best wishes!
Chris: 알았어! 잘가!Chris: Sure! Bye!
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