Hiragana: くるま
Katakana: クルマ

Romaji: kuruma
English Meaning: car, vehicle

Example Sentences:

kuruma wa doko de karirare masuka?
Where can I hire a car?
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sono kuruma wa kareno hokori to yorokobi desu.
The car is his pride and joy.
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moshi kuruma o motte itara, tomodachi no ie ni asobini ikeru noni.
If I had a car, I could visit my friends.
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watashi no haha wa kuruma de watashi o kūkō made okurimashita.
My mother drove me to the airport.
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don'na kuruma o unten shiteimasuka?
What kind of car do you drive?
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kiri no tame, kuruma sū dai ni yoru shōtotsu jiko ga okorimashita.
Because of fog a collision of multiple cars took place.
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unten shiken ni gōkaku shite kara, kare wa kuruma o katta.
After passing the driving test he bought a car.
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