French Word: avion m.
English Meaning: airplane, aircraft, aeroplane, plane
German Meaning: Flugzeug
Spanish Meaning: el avión

Example Sentences:

Les billets d'avion sont de plus en plus chers.
Plane tickets are getting more and more expensive.
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L'avion va atterrir.
The plane is going to land.
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Elle a peur en avion.
She is afraid of flying.
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La compagnie aérienne possède plus de soixante-dix avions.
The airline has more than seventy airplanes.
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L'avion part pour New York dans 30 minutes.
The plane leaves for New York in 30 minutes.
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J'ai perdu mon billet d'avion. Que dois-je faire ?
I've lost my airline ticket - what should I do?
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Je ne prends pas souvent l'avion car le train coûte moins cher.
I don't fly often, because it's cheaper by train.
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