Deze film gaat over de uitbuiting van illegale immigranten uit Mexico.
English Translation:This film is about the exploitation of illegal immigrants from Mexico.
Listen to English Sentence:this /ðɪs/ deze, dit [Show Details] |
film (Pl: films) /fɪlm/ 1. film 2. filmrolletje 3. filmen Here: film [Show Details] |
is /ɪz/ is [Show Details] |
about /əˈbəʊt/ over, ongeveer, om, omstreeks [Show Details] |
the /ðə/ /ðɪ/ het, de [Show Details] |
exploitation /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃən/ uitbuiting [Show Details] |
of /ɒv/ /əv/ van [Show Details] |
illegal /ɪˈliːɡ(ə)l/ illegaal, ongeoorloofd, onwettig [Show Details] |
immigrant /ˈɪmɪɡrənt/ immigrant [Show Details] |
from /frɒm/ van, uit, vanaf [Show Details] |
Mexico /ˈmeksɪˌkəʊ/ Mexico [Show Details] |
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