En undersøgelse afslørede, at én ud af fire europæere aldrig har brugt en PC.
English Translation:A study revealed that one in four Europeans have never used a PC.
Listen to English Sentence:a /ə/ /eɪ/ en, et [Show Details] |
study /ˈstʌdɪ/ 1. studere 2. undersøgelse Here: undersøgelse [Show Details] |
reveal /rɪˈviːl/ afsløre [Show Details] |
that /ðæt/ det, at [Show Details] |
one /wʌn/ en, man [Show Details] |
in /ɪn/ i, ind, om, på [Show Details] |
four /fɔː/ fire [Show Details] |
European /ˌjʊərəˈpɪən/ europæer [Show Details] |
have /hæv/ have [Show Details] |
never /ˈnevə/ aldrig [Show Details] |
use /juːz/ bruge Here: bruge, brug [Show Details] |
a /ə/ /eɪ/ en, et [Show Details] |
PC /piː siː/ PC [Show Details] |
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