Løvers føde består af antiloper, gazeller, gnuer, zebraer og skødesløse turister.
English Translation:The diet of lions consists of antelopes, gazelles, gnus, zebras and careless tourists.
Listen to English Sentence:the /ðə/ /ðɪ/ de, den, det [Show Details] |
diet (Pl: diets) /ˈdaɪət/ føde [Show Details] |
of /ɒv/ /əv/ af, på, for [Show Details] |
lion (Pl: lions) /ˈlaɪən/ løve [Show Details] |
consist /kənˈsɪst/ bestå [Show Details] |
of /ɒv/ /əv/ af, på, for [Show Details] |
antelope (Pl: antelopes, Pl 2: antelope) /ˈæntɪˌləʊp/ antilope [Show Details] |
gazelle /ɡəˈzɛl/ gazelle [Show Details] |
gnu /njuː/ gnu [Show Details] |
zebra (Pl: zebras) /ˈzebra/ /ˈziːbrə/ zebra [Show Details] |
and /ænd/ /ənd/ og [Show Details] |
careless /ˈkeəlɪs/ skødesløs [Show Details] |
tourist /ˈtʊərɪst/ turist [Show Details] |
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