Hun er en god elev, selv om hun kun studerer af og til.
English Translation:She is a good student, although she only studies at times.
Listen to English Sentence:she /ʃiː/ hun [Show Details] |
is /ɪz/ er [Show Details] |
a /ə/ /eɪ/ en, et [Show Details] |
good /gʊd/ god [Show Details] |
student (Pl: students) /ˈstjuːdənt/ studerende, elev [Show Details] |
although /ɔːlˈðəʊ/ selvom, omend Here: selvom [Show Details] |
she /ʃiː/ hun [Show Details] |
only /ˈəʊnlɪ/ kun, eneste [Show Details] |
study /ˈstʌdɪ/ 1. studere 2. undersøgelse Here: studere [Show Details] |
at times /ˌæt ˈtaɪmz/ af og til [Show Details] |
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